Our White Papers

We share all our R&D expertise in 3D printing

ArcelorMittal has developed a significant expertise in metal Additive Manufacturing, 3D-printing of spare parts and the technologies used to manufacture parts. Some of this expertise is shared in a series of white papers that are available below.

If you would like to find out more about the solutions created by our R&D team, please download our white papers below or contact us.


White Paper 1: Novel approach to increase LPBF productivity

In an example business case, a spare part is printed on a single-laser LPBF. With 24 parts fitting on the build plate, the packing density of the build job was just under 20% which is a normal level for serial production. Compared to the typical approach of VED/density mapping, the novel approach increased the average build rate per layer by 50%.

Read and download this White Paper

White Paper 2: Does powder quality really impact LPBF performance?

In this W0hite Paper, we present the results of an experimental study in which we compared the performance of 316L stainless steel powders from two different suppliers, using two different printing strategies, on a MetalFAB1 4-laser system from Additive Industries. We measured the density and build rate of the printed parts, as well as the PSD, morphology, and chemical composition of the powders. The results were surprising.

Read and download this White Paper!

Stay tuned for next White Papers

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