Our 10 SD outcomes

Steel has a vital role to play in the low-carbon sustainable economy of the future. Our 10 sustainable development (SD) outcomes describe the company we need to become. To achieve them the company has grouped the outcomes into 6 themes.


  1. Safe, healthy, quality working lives for our people

    Our workforce is safe and healthy, committed to our success, and operates with integrity. Diversity is valued and every individual is respected and their potential developed. 

  2. Products that accelerate more sustainable lifestyles

    Commercial designers and manufacturers in industries that contribute to our everyday lifestyles, such as automotive and packaging, choose steel because they understand that its strength, formability and recyclability are vital in developing innovative solutions for sustainable development.

  3. Products that create sustainable infrastructure

    Steel is the first-choice material for construction and infrastructure projects, because the firms that design and build them – and the governments and public bodies that commission and approve them – know and appreciate the true value it can add, now and for the future.

  4. Efficient use of resources and high recycling rates

    We use both raw materials and recycled inputs in the most efficient way, so that we're creating significant value for our customers and shareholders, as well as contributing to the goals of a circular economy. Read more about our work on Sustainability approach.

  5. Trusted user of air, land and water

    The outcome we need is for our stakeholders to trust us to share the vital resources of air, land and water. They will do this because we operate responsibly and transparently, demonstrate we want to reduce our negative environmental impacts, and work in collaboration with partners and local communities to enhance the natural resources we all rely on. 

  6. Responsible energy user that helps create a lower carbon future

    Our stakeholders trust that we are focused on making our operations as energy efficient as possible, and on significantly cutting the carbon they emit, in order to  help create a low-carbon future. 

  7. Supply chains that our customers trust

    Customers trust that we meet or exceed their environmental, social and governance expectations, both in our own steel and mining business, and in our supply chain, in particular the mine sites that we buy from. 

  8. Active and welcomed member of the community

    We want our communities to have confidence that we will anticipate and address the impacts we have on the local community and environment, to see us as partners in their socio-economic development, and to trust us to have an open dialogue whenever challenges arise. 

  9. Pipeline of talented scientists and engineers for tomorrow

    We have built a healthy pipeline of well-trained and talented engineers, scientists and technicians, both for our own future, and for society as a whole. 

  10. Our contribution to society measured, shared, and valued

    We can show the value of the contributions we make to society and enable our stakeholders to understand them alongside our financial results.



Our SD outcomes are underpinned by our governance approach. High standards of business ethics and governance have been fundamental to ArcelorMittal since the company was founded.


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